Sunday, August 17, 2008

Shorter seasons...

It's true. The older you get, the more quickly the seasons - and days, weeks, months and years - pass. It seems like summer barely gets started, and we're up in the last weeks before fall takes over and the sun grows weaker and weaker. I knew I hadn't posted anything on this blog in some time (I admit it; I couldn't remember how to get back to it - elder blogger, indeed!) but had no idea it's been quite so long as this. It's been a busy, if not exactly eventful, summer. I just got back from visiting with my sister for a week down in North Carolina. I'm back to work tomorrow, so I need to get myself off to bed. 5:30 in the AM rolls around way too quickly. But, I'll get back here tomorrow sometime. I'm glad to have found my way.

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